Write Songs For Yourself

Write Songs For Yourself


There is only one person you should be aiming to please when writing music. And that's yourself. Some songwriters worry too much about who might like their music. Will it impress other musicians too or are the individual parts too simple? Will rock fans like this as well, or is it a little too pop sounding? And in many cases, a song ends up being altered in fear that not everyone will like it.

If you ever find yourself wondering about these things, here's the most important question you can ask yourself. Do I like it? The fact of the matter is, you should be your own musics biggest fan. And if there's anyone else on the earth remotely like you, they're going to dig it too. Screw changing what you want to do to please other people or fit in with other bands. It's when something different comes along that people get excited. So embrace the things that make your songs sound like you wrote them. Don't fight what you naturally bring to the table. The one thing you have that nobody else can ever truly mimic is YOUR OWN TASTE. Use that to your advantage and write the music that you would want to listen to. Because if you're trying to please everyone, the one person that you'll never please is yourself.

Keep making great music!